Casino or goodfellas which is better

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Oct 18, 2018 · Goodfellas was voted best film of all time by Total Film critics in 2006, surpassing the likes of Citizen Kane, Vertigo, and Jaws, whilst Casino was absent, and appears at no. 94 on the American Film Institute’s Top 100 Films (again, no Casino). Casino better than Goodfellas? - Casino (1995) Discussion We always seem to get a lot of these threads comparing Casino with Goodfellas. One point that someone raised a long time ago that chimed with me was that those from the Western part of the United States seemed to like Casino more, since it was set in the West, whereas those in the Eastern part of the United States ostensibly liked Goodfellas. What's the better movie, CASINO or GOODFELLAS? | Page 2

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Sep 24, 2010 · Best Answer: Goodfellas More Honest, more Truthful, more Nicer and Friendlier and represent the East Coast Henry hill is a Real Man and the people names he was with we're real too plus Joe Pesci Won an Oscar for his role in that movie, Stick with what works, Goodfellas way better then Casino. Goodfellas vs Casino? | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli Mar 09, 2019 · Casino is like the ultra ratchet version of goodfellas which in turn makes it a very hard watch. It shines a light on the negative right away where GF slowly brings you in for a slow turn. You actually like the characters a lil more until the end. Casino everyone is a POS. Casino vs. GoodFellas - Flickchart Jul 24, 2009 · Goodfellas is much better than Casino is, Casino is a good movie but not even nearly as good as Goodfellas. Both are great, but without Goodfellas and the success of Goodfellas, there's probably no Casino. Goodfellas has the overall better story as … Casino is better than Goodfellas - High On Films

definitely goodfellas. i liked casino, but i just thought the story of goodfellas was better, even though they were both true and both scorsese films. goodfellas is a classic.

goodfellas has its place in the top 10 mob movies, dont get me wrong, but the whole goodfellas type story has been done in a lot of movies. casino on the other hand is the only mob movie to actually delve into the whole the "mob run las vegas" of the 50's-70's. which i was fortunate enough to visit and experience in the day. and they got it right. Is Goodfellas better than Casino? | Kialo Casino is a rip-off of Goodfellas as far as the narrative structure is concerned. Goodfellas has a better supporting cast. Casino is the complete story of the rise and fall of an empire due to a few men's greed and pride while the story of Goodfellas is more lacking. Casino > Goodfellas | Page 3 | re: Casino > Goodfellas Posted by shadymilkman on 4/26/19 at 11:55 pm to wareaglepete I like Casino better until De Niro marries Sharon Stone. After that, Goodfellas is better.

Casino vs Goodfellas |

Casino vs Goodfellas | re: Casino vs Goodfellas Posted by Uncle Gunnysack on 3/5/18 at 9:48 pm to Vols&Shaft83 quote: Personally, I think Goodfellas is the better movie, but Pesci's character in Casino than in Goodfellas. Is Goodfellas better than Casino? | Kialo Casino is a rip-off of Goodfellas as far as the narrative structure is concerned. Goodfellas has a better supporting cast. Casino is the complete story of the rise and fall of an empire due to a few men's greed and pride while the story of Goodfellas is more lacking. Goodfellas vs. The Godfather vs. Casino - High-Def Digest

Best Answer: Deniro and Pesci are amazing in both of them. But I felt Casino was a bit more over the top. Since they are both based on true stories, maybe it really was that over the top. Goodfellas is my favorite of the entire genre. Maybe if I was old enough to see and understand The Godfather when it ...

Casino vs Goodfellas | Page 2 |

The book "Wiseguy" is Goodfellas, and "Casino" is Casino. Many people say that Goodfellas is better simply because it was made first. Usually the first movie is better. In this case the sequel is better. I guess it really depends on your taste, or where you grew up. People from the northeast part of the United States love Goodfellas because it ... Casino is better than Goodfellas - High On Films Yep. They’re both two of the greatest, most entertaining and most riveting yarns about gangsterdom ever put to screen, both by the same incredible director, but I would wager Martin Scorsese ’s follow-up Casino (1995) is better than its similar sibling film Goodfellas (1990). I’d even goes as far to claim that The Departed and The Wolf of Wall Street are better than Goodfellas, but that ... Goodfellas vs Casino? | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli Casino is like the ultra ratchet version of goodfellas which in turn makes it a very hard watch. It shines a light on the negative right away where GF slowly brings you in for a slow turn. You actually like the characters a lil more until the end. Casino everyone is a POS. What's the better movie, CASINO or GOODFELLAS? | Page 2 ...